Tempo Magazine

By Sujendro

Magazine is a weekly news magazine Tempo Indonesia are generally covering the news and politics. Tempo The first edition was published in March 1971 which is the first magazine that has no affiliation with the government.

The magazine was banned by the government in 1982 and 21 June 1994 and re-circulated on October 6, 1998. Tempo magazine also published in English since 12 September 2000 which called Tempo Magazine and on 2 April 2001 Tempo Tempo is also published.

Prohibition of Tempo magazine published in 1994 (along with a magazine editor (magazines) and instant tabloid (tabloids), is never clear why. But many people believe that the information minister at the time, Harmoko, revoke Business License Press Publishing (SIUPP) Tempo because of reports magazine about the import of German warships. this report is considered to endanger “the country’s stability.” the report discusses the main objections of the military against imports by Research and Technology Minister BJ Habibie. a group of journalists who were disappointed at the attitude of Indonesian journalists Association (PWI) which approved the ban Tempo, Editor, and Seconds, then established the Alliance of Indonesian Journalists.

Feud with the Police

In June 2010, the magazine Tempo published edition of 28 June to 4 July 2010 with a cover titled “Fat Account of Police Officers” depicting a policeman was herding pig piggy bank. This edition was told several police generals who have accounts containing billions of dollars. Police cover the protest, and asked for Tempo magazine apologized.

On July 8, 2010, both sides finally agreed to settle out of court line. The meeting, mediated by the Press Council is in Building Press Council, which is represented by the Police Public Relations Head of Police Headquarters Inspector General of Police Edward Aritonang, while Tempo was represented by the Editor of Tempo, Revelation Muryadi.
[edit] Books

Official website Tempo Megazine

From Wikipedia