Taiwan Info

By Sujendro

Taiwan Info

Taiwan Info is a French-language online daily published by the Government Information Office of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Its purpose is to keep French speaking readers around the world informed of what takes place in the island-nation.

History of the site

Taiwan Info was launched in April 2002 to replace Les Echos de la République de Chine, a printed bulletin that had been published every 1, 11 and 21 of the month since its establishment on October 20, 1968. It was finally transformed into an online daily to better reflect current situations of the country and to respond to increasing use of internet around the world.

Content of the site

The site can be regarded as a window on Taiwan for French speaking readers. In the ‘La une’ page, the headlines of 3 local newspapers, today’s photo story together with 5 to 10 news are presented concisely everyday except weekends and public holidays. A variety of news are selected by the editors team to meet French speaking readers’ interests. News releases are classified under 6 different topics : Politics (Politique), Cross-Straits Relations (Deux rives), Economic and Social Issues (Eco-Social), International, Society (Société), and Culture.

Official Website Taiwan Info

From Wikipedia